"I'm not saying you HAVE to buy a tank, I'm just saying going for a drive-through at McDonald's in a tank is really cool or whatever."

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M1 Abrams: The Popular One

The cream of the crop, pinnacle of Western engineering, the M1 Abrams is part of the modern tank family. Reliable,high quality building parts, with a manual that comes in English! For when you really want to style on your annoying neighbor Jimmy who just can't keep his dog from doing his morning routine in YOUR lawn, AGAIN. The tank will get the message across..

T-14 Armata: The Cool One

The Russians really outdid themselves on this one. It's sleek, it's edgy (literally), the engine itself will make you want to sing "Kalinka" while chugging wodka. 2000 horsepower and 48 tonnes of raw Russian strength, this bad boy will get the job done. Sorry babushka, it's only business.
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Leopard 2: The Functional One

The Germans have proven before that their engineering is among the best, and the Leopard 2 solidifies this fact. The Leopard 2 is probably the finest tank the European continent has to offer. Coming in at 62 tonnes, with a top speed of 68km/h, this THICC boie packs a serious punch while maintaining a very respectable speed. Driving down the Autobahn has never been so fun, just make sure you don't cross the border into Poland..

M4 Sherman: Blast from the Past

The hero of the Allied Armour Division, the Sherman is a classic. Its sleek design, with round corners, and recognizable turret will make heads turn everywhere you go. Spread capitalism to all who can hear its delightful engine purr, and do it in style. USA! USA! USA! (Capitalist propaganda not included with manual.)
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M4 Sherman - Calliope Edt.: The Showoff

Alright, so exquisite American engineering is not enough for you? Don't you worry, we got you. We pimped the already hella fine Sherman package with a serious spoiler. The Calliope Edition features a 60-shots rocket launcher rack, capable of providing some serious pew pew alongside your boom. If you neighbor Jimmy still doesn't want to keep his dog from your lawn, you show him what's what with a finely placed barrage of your Calliope.

Hetzer Jagdpanzer: The Goofy One

The Germans made some weird stuff in the Second World War, and the Hetzer really embodies this. A carapace that reminds you of a very sleek turtle, the aerodynamics on this tank will ensure some real speed. Transporting Omi Broomhilde in this one will ensure the groceries from Lidl won't get a single drop of rain on em.
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King Tiger: Hans, get ze Panzer

The single finest tank build in the 20th Century, the King Tiger could do it all. Its iconic design, its powerful engine, a dummy thicc behind, and a hull not even Chuck Norris himself could punch through, the King Tiger is a true monster. Comes with a free copy of "Erika" and "Die Blauen Dragoner", so you have something appropriate to listen to. Just remember what I said about the Polish border, yeah?

T-72: For Mother Russia

Build during the Cold War, the T-72 was, and still is in its own right, an excellent battle tank. The AK-47 of the tank world, the T-72 just keeps on going, regardless of what you do with it. Going for a spin in the forests or on the beach is a walk in the park. If you kept making excuses for not visiting babushka in her cottage in the woods during winter, you will no longer be able to once you get the T-72.
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Landkreuzer Ratte: Go big or go home

Oke, so we may have gone overboard on this one. Forget about the King Tiger, forget about the Abrams, there's a new boss in town. The Ratte comes in at 1000 tonnes (!), has a top speed of 40km/h, and has a main turret the size of an actual tank. This house-size monster of a tank guarantees no BMW driver will overtake you from the right, seeing as you will be occupying the entire highway. First visit to the petrol station is on us.

FV-101 Scorpion: Gotta go fast

Probably the exact opposite of the Ratte, the Scorpion embodies speed and smolness like no other. With a recorded top speed of 82km/h, and weighing only 8 tonnes, the difference between this and a Nissan is negligible. You think your son wants to go with his bike to school? Hell no, give him a Scorpion, and watch him become the coolest kid on the block. (counselling and bully recovery coupon not included in package.
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